Friday, June 24, 2011

Keep it Simple and Neutral

Keep it simple and neutral may sound boring but I like to think of it as starting fresh and thinking of it as starting off with a blank canvas. 
Adding any color or adding multiple colors is always easier than taking it away.
The simplest way I have found to start is with "blank" walls.  Having moved around quite a lot, the best color for walls has been white or cream.
There are many shades of white out there to choose from.  I've always heard "don't be afraid of color" but I say don't be afraid of white either or cream for that matter.
The walls in my home that I own now are either white or cream. My blank canvas.  For example, in my dining room, the walls are a darker shade of cream. A great backdrop for my artwork.  After hanging the art on the wall, the artwork "pops" out against the color of the wall. For me adding color was with art. Changing the artwork if I wish is now easier to do with a neutral background in place.
Simple and neutral can be in any room or item in your house.  The kitchen is great place to begin when in doubt.  Don't only think of the walls or cabinets, but also of what is inside the cabinets.  Next time i'll expand on the kitchen itself.  Starting with the simple plate.

1 comment:

  1. I love it simplicity allows for more freedom of creative accessories just as in fashion it's all about how you accessorize!

